Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Black Swan #66

We set off this morning with a plan to drop in at Gronant to view the Little Terns, but this plan was cruelly thwarted by a prolonged heavy unexpected downpour. Luckily it started a few minutes before we arrived, meaning that we sat in the car in the car park for 45 minutes waiting for it to pass and not out in it getting wet. After which time, we were fed up and decided to catch them on the way back home next week. 
30 minutes further down the road is the Spinnies nature reserve at Aberogwen and they have 3 hides to shelter in :) 
By the time we arrived there, it had all but stopped raining and we had a lovely couple of hours there. Out on the estuary as usual were loads of Mute Swans, but what we hadn't expected was this black swan. I've only ever seen a black swan in captivity before in the UK so this was a first for me. Apparently they were introduced as ornamental birds way back in the 1800s but some have escaped and now live wild. They are not so common and there are not that many breeding outside of collections, so I think this was quite a good find. I'm adding it to my annual list even if it is not officially recognised as being on the official British List. 
We also managed to catch up with one of the kingfishers at the Sea Hide, even if most of the time it was hiding in amongst the branches (extra). 

Whilst I am away, please accept my apologies as I may well not be commenting, but I will catch up when I get back.  (I've only just managed to catch up from last weekend, so I will try and do at least a day or two so I don't get too far behind again). 

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