
I’ve gone a bit feral with salty disheveled hair and sandals and forgot to take my phone/camera with me when I went out today so I went out this evening to see the sunset and see if my white phantom was out and about again. Success on both counts and, to add to the drama of the evening sky, there were distant thunderstorms and lightning. There was a Harry Potter magic moment when the owl disappeared into the woods with a simultaneous flash of lightening.

This morning I prepared the elderflower champagne thanks to B & B’s mum’s recipe and got on with a bit more work (more teeth pulled) and then headed off in search of some local asparagus. I put in a detour to Waterden to look at a tiny church whose village was ‘lost’, probably due to the Enclosures and the Earl of Leicester and the Holkham estate.
On my way to the farm shop on a remote bit of road a chap flagged me down. He and his wife looked hot and worn out. They were from County Roscommon and asked if they were heading the right way to the shrine. Most definitely not. He said, I think we should have turned left. She said, I told you we were going the wrong way. I offered to take them back to Our Lady and they were very grateful. I dropped them off in the centre of the village and hope Our Lady looks after them.

On my way back I stopped at the farm walk that joins Overy bank and unusually was the only person on the whole length of the bank to the sea. After checking out the orchids again I headed down to the sea for a swim. Barely a soul to be seen in any direction and the light was just wonderful.

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