Garden Pegs

Been having a digital play with layers and artistic effects. If you look closely, you might see the reason behind my title. I used a photo of pegs laid over a photo of roses. Then I tweaked it with a 'cut out' effect. A lovely sunny day today, though very windy. A good drying day! 

The Australian relatives left for Heathrow to fly back to Melbourne tomorrow. Felt quite emotional as they left. The aged aunt and her two remaining brothers are all so worn out and wobbly ... They and two further sisters, whom the Oz crowd visited severally, earlier in their stay, are the only remaining five of 11 children. Apparently, when Aunt S was in infant school, she told her teacher that she had a new baby brother. The teacher's response was, "What? Another one?!" It seems, Mr PP's granddad went up to the school and complained. He told them, every one of his children was planned, wanted and loved. (He was a Methodist preacher, and a good man.) But enough ...!

I have a concern. We're now into the second week of June and I could count on my fingers the number of butterflies I've seen. Where are they? I am wondering if they all woke up too soon at an early warm spell, got wiped out by storms and cold gales, and now they're in short supply. Do hope another batch will appear before long. I'm missing them.

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