Woy Woy Fish co-op

It was a VERY early start this morning.  We woke at 5.00am to ensure that we could get away in good time to make the trek to Berowra.  Today was the day MiniMo was booked in for its annual service at Trakka.  I have done this just about every year as it ensures that every part of the van conversion is in tip top shape.  We’re planning to head to Western Australia in a few weeks time so it’s really important that we don’t have any hiccups while we’re away.  To fill in the time that the van was being serviced we caught the train to Woy Woy and had some good old Fish and Chips.  No luck for these little guys today as we sat inside and they didn’t get a look in for any leftovers!!  As you can see it was a sparkling day and we were happy to be of the mountain as It was around 1 degree all day according to Trisharooni.

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