Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Bluebell flower essence works in the throat, clearing any blockages to creative expression.

The process of thoughtfully taking photographs is very similar to the process of making a flower essence. You still your mind, observe and connect to your subject, in this case a bluebell. When you slow down and connect to bluebells you will feel your throat opening up to become a clear channel through which your voice flows more easily.

Bluebell flower essence is wonderful for people who love to sing either for fun or professionally. It's a useful aid for chanting and sound therapy and it's also a wonderful essence for loving communication. Bluebell will help you to express what you feel more much more clearly from the heart. So if you find yourself getting into silly arguments and niggling your loved ones, bluebell will enable you to communicate differently.

Bluebell has a clear bell-like tinkling quality about it - I feel like someone has chimed a bell or a Tibetan singing bowl near my throat having spent time with bluebells this morning. So I'm communicating clearly and lovingly which is good, but also singing joyfully which is bad as I am completely tone deaf. Sorry neighbours. This is what I'm singing ... and I only know the chorus.

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