3 Things (at least)

3 things about this baseball picture.

1. I've been trying to talk to Merrick about leaving both hands on the bat all the way through his swing. HA! Look at that right hand. He has completely let go of said bat.
2. Look at where the catcher caught the ball. Merrick is usually pretty good with his strike zone, but this one was WAY out of the zone, almost over his head.
3. Look at the dust as the ball strikes the catcher's mitt. It wasn't a good day to have the camera at the ballfield. Dust was everywhere.
4. It was a l-o-n-g walk back to the dugout after the strikeout.

In computer news, I didn't solve my picture loading problem on my regular program, but I did figure out an alternate way to load them. WOO-HOO!

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