Sour dough bread

It is some time since last making this and pleased with the look of the loaf, we will have some later to see how it cuts and of course analyse the taste. Or hopefully just eat it.

John called in to say hello to a chap who lives in the village and to collect a small jar of sour dough starter. Most weeks he makes a few loaves of SD to sell in our wonderful village shop, you have to be quick to find one though, they sell instantly, he makes four at a time about three times a week, very good it is too.

I wonder if you remember the wonderful baker I used to blip? Along with her family they moved to North Ronaldsay on Orkney a few years ago and I believe run a cafe there along the same lines as the bakery here, this chap is related to her husband by marriage.

High cloud again, it’s warm when working, otherwise the temperature feels good.

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