Outside my comfort zone
Not sure what's going on here. But I a bit like it. This is some rocket left over from last winter which I let go to seed as I rather like the flowers (and nothing else was in flower at the time). It's been flowering rather beautifully for about 6 weeks, and is just getting a bit tired looking. So, before I pull it all out to make way for (probably) more lupins, here it is wafting in the breeze this evening. It was this or a borage flower in the sunshine, but I have all summer to try that.
Today was a sandwich kind of day: gardening in the morning (weeding, digging over the rest of the legume bed and planting on the peas); then a slice of DIY putting up joists with Mr B in the stairwell and in the Chamber of Secrets (the kids named the rooms, and the names have stuck...); then more gardening from 3pm - finally tackling the bottom bed that had been overtaken by brambles. So now, with my hands only slightly shredded, all is clear for more planting (probably more lupins). Also lots of pots potted up and more small plants slotted in the front beds (funny how your planting distances go a bit out of the window when you realise just how many plants have to squeeze in. And I haven't even started on the lupins yet.)
Today was also (finally) our first barbie of the year. And very successful it was too. Although the day had been relatively cool (18C - perfect for bramble pulling as it was cool enough to wear long sleeves) the evening brightened up nicely so we had dinner in the sunshine.
Tomorrow I will need to figure out if I have space for all the lupins (yes, I am a bit obsessed and think that I may just possibly have collected too much lupin seed last year AND sown too many of them AND have too many of them work). And I think the rest of the dahlias are just going to have to go in the veg garden. Too many plants, too little space. (But the chillis in the bathroom *still* haven't germinated. They're in their as the radiator is on all the time so it's consistently warm. But it's now a bit too warm to be in there with clothes on. Which can be a problem.)
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