Julia Rose at Night
I did manage to get out to walk the dog today, but it was such a grey day, and that spot of dust inside my lens just obliterated the pictures so I took a snap of The rose before coming to bed. I have taken a photo of the first bloom every day, and will make a collage when I get time and am happy with the final one.
Maurice, thank you for your email. It touched my heart, that even though we haven't managed the meet, you are taking the time to keep up with my journal and to write.
Today was slightly easier although B has refused to go into the bathroom all day! Those who know him know he can be quite forceful and dogmatic and whereas in the past I would have cajoled or stood my ground, or refused his demands, now I can’t. I’m not sure if this is because I just don’t have the energy, or because it seems silly to make a meal out of such a dreadful situation that we find ourselves in, or if it is the curt throwaway comments he makes like ‘I’m dying, you should do what I want or don’t you care?’ It’s probably all of them!
Food too is becoming an issue as he is not eating much and cant see that it makes any difference if he doesn’t want to. Everything tastes ‘dirty’ including all fluids! I’m sure it’s one of the meds, plus the oral thrush is back :( Thank goodness he likes the protein shake things!
Much of this morning was spent organising for me to go into work for a day on Wednesday. B is not happy that I’m going in, he hates even the mention of my work, but needs must. So, James will collect Daniel tomorrow afternoon and drive him down to us. Daniel will stay overnight so that he is here in the morning on Wednesday and then Liam will collect him Wednesday evening after he has finished work. A convoluted plan because Daniel doesn’t work due to his disabilities, so can come and stay over, but also he doesn’t drive, so someone has to be the taxi!
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