horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Path of the Righteous

Unexpectedly good days are especially good when they follow a day which was supposed to be good but turned out... less so.

With the wind still howling and the rain battering down things didn't look great, but after a slightly lazier morning than usual we headed out in the car, figuring this west side of the island looked more favourable (and the wind was westerly, so we'd simply be following the rain if we headed east).

Parking up at Garenin, where there is a restored blackhouse village, we set off down the coast into the wind and rain. Perhaps not the most sensible of options, but the coastline was dramatic, and the sea was angry, so the views were quite frankly stunning. AND the rain saw fit to ease off a bit as well after we'd had a bite to eat and some flasked tea.

Back to the car we popped into the Blue Pig gallery and workshop, relieving them of some bird related art and having a nice long chat with the co-owner, before trips (now rain-less) to a restored Norse Mill and Kiln (not much to them, but interesting all the same), and pressing on north to visit the intriguing little St Moluag's Church, hemmed in by crofts, but a site of worship for something like 1500 years.

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