
By oryk


Was that Monday?

The long week of events, family, complications, excitement, and joy began yesterday. Only five days to BrotherOryK's wedding!

Today, I:
scanned, organized, edited, researched, and choreographed for the video and accompanying music for the reception;
continued to monitor the fish and their now bright green water (crazy aquatic medication);
arranged for work tomorrow;
re-assembled a vanity;
walked across town;
relaxed in the sunny backyard with my book
enjoyed a productive and bicker-free phone conversation with my brother;
wandered aimlessly;
met a neighbor;
emptied a U-Haul;
marveled at the awesome new house;
neglected my studies.

Yesterday, I found myself:
spending the night in the new house;
attending my sister-in-law-to-be's bridal shower (my first);
sitting in a rental car in front of a closed fish store with my parents in our Sunday best at nine o'clock in the morning singing and clapping along to the "chicken dance";
discovering all the light switches;
playing cards while washing laundry into the wee hours;
discovered sick fish and began treatment;
seeing old friends in a new light;
took my mom out to breakfast;
found the elusive coloring books;
cooked dinner and mixed drinks for the folks and a family friend;
got an elementary teacher "tipsy";
simultaneously living in the past, present, and future.

The photo: the flash cards I can't be bothered to study. I should probably get on that.

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