
By SeeingGodInAll

Joy today

“the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Psalms 8verses 8-9

It’s felt like a weird day with the rest of the country coming together to celebrate the Queen‘s platinum jubilee and all the more celebratory after two years of Covid. So being on my own I felt quite lonely and looked around my garden to see what brought me joy. Not a very good picture but there is a tiny blue tit waiting to get into the birdhouse, fully aware that I am training my iPhone on it. So joyful to know baby blue tits inside.
I really enjoyed watching the jubilee pageant on the television which I might not of done if I’ve been at a street party. So grateful however that I have a warm home and a comfortable bed to lie in

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