Wha's like us?

A later start than expected, due to the birthday boy having stayed up very late drinking whisky with bil. Still, after a restorative bacon roll prepared by his sister, we made it over to the little ferry at Portavadie to get across to Tarbert. Drove up through Kilmartin Glen, which is full of wonderful old relics. (!) We stopped for a look at Carnasserie castle (an HS site that isn't closed for a safety inspection - amazing!). Here you see D wearing his birthday t-shirt (a Stewart Bremner classic).

Eventually we got to Glen Nevis - a huge but very well appointed campsite - and managed to remember how to put up the tent (think the last time we must have done this was in Galloway.) We ambled along the path to the site restaurant for a meal and were rather intrigued by the memorial we passed. (See extra). Poor Andy.

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