watching dry paint

By lensbrush

one Art, please

completely shit day today. Cold, rain and wind - no one was about - not to have coffee and breakfast anyway. ( or lunch, or afternoon tea...) There were only two brave traders (instead of the usual dozen or so) at the Sunday markets, just enough to get the veggies we need to make soups. So good news it wasn't a wasted trip as I had feared. 
D left this morning to find he had a flat tyre - the car leaning sadly to one side. Fixed it tonight with the emergency spare. The flat tyre wheel rim was so gummed on that we had to call in roadside assistance to help us remove it. Didn't want to whack to wheel too hard while it was up on the jack. didn't stop the mechanic from giving it a good hit though.
Extras: more Art, please
             textures 101 

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