The second half of life..

By twigs

Fly agaric

A dull, grey, damp day - perfect for doing a spot of autumn gardening. Well, not really gardening per se, more like tidying and leaf raking!  I have a patch of border that has been thick with an onion weed type growth and I decided over the summer that starvation might help to kill it off.  Starvation from light that is.  I'd been layering lawn clippings over the area and it does seem to have worked to some degree.  Recently though, I've seen more shoots poking their heads through the clippings so I devised Plan B..........remove the lawn clippings (ensuring that all visible sprouts are cut off at ground level in the process), slather the area in fallen leaves then replace the lawn clippings and continue to add more clippings when available.  So began the plan.  The clipping removal was reasonably straightforward and the leaf raking warmed me up very quickly.  It was whilst raking the leaves I spotted this fly agaric under the silver birch and it was about this time that I began to feel the first drops of rain. Fortunately I managed to tidy away the tools and grab a few lensbaby shots of it without getting too wet.  I now have piles of decaying lawn clippings, piles of soggy leaves dotted around the front garden and bare patches of weedy soil.......not the most attractive garden look.  Will be onto finishing the job when the weather allows, which is beginning to sound like it could be a few days yet.  

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