Pink Sky in the Morning

A beautiful pink sunrise, but it didn't last for long.

I went to church via zoom.  Pentecost Sunday.  The hymn for today is "Breathe on me Breath of God."  

After church my family and I walked down the hill to a local Restaurant for a well earned brunch.  Of course I had Eggs Benedict, (I always do).  I walked home via the lake, the extra is what the weather is like this afternoon.  A bit cloudy, cool and wet!!  It is Winter after all.

I did enjoy watching the documentary last night   'Elizabeth:  The Unseen Queen.'  She is such an amazing woman, and to have been Queen for all those years.  She has certainly had her 'ups and downs' through it all.

Tomorrow the weather should be fine for our walk.  Maybe from Beacon Point to The Outlet and beyond.

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