Travels With 4 Wheel Fred

By HRGibbon

With Wings On Their Heels

The day started early for the OH and I, off down to Gretna Green to watch the Flying Scotsman Rally re-start on their final day. Once again it was our car club marshalling the start. The OH ended up as trying to organise the cars into some sort of order, so I was left to my own devices.

First thing, the weather was still reasonable, but by around 8.15 the rain came in and the wind picked up. I really felt for the ones with open tops, it's a long way to Auchterader! There were plenty of very happy, smiling faces though. Not only from the competitors, but from the few folk that had turned out to watch.

I didn't get much of a chance yesterday to really look at the cars as they whizzed past me. So today I tried to focus on the details and the people.

Today's blip was a real toss up between this, a silver Dodo or a very handsome gentleman smiling. Mercury's grace and poise won me over in the end. He was sat atop a rather nice 1929 Buick Roadster. I hope he enjoyed his journey!

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