Astorga to Rabanal day 24

It rained properly today and I got soaked 4 times, the fourth just as I was approaching Rabanal. So much for the BBC weather app which indicated a shower at 10am. I have switched to the Norwegian one  which is much more accurate and prettier to look at with its animated skies.
I have decent accommodation and my kit is drying out, including my boots stuffed with the newspaper I brought with me for this very purpose.
After 7 or 8 days walking across the Meseta and then the Paramo it is wonderful to be in the hills again. The rain seems to come in bursts and the sun appears  just long to get a bit dry. It’s markedly chillier and trees have replaced the cereal crops.
Later, once I  dried out I, went to Vespers in the simple unadorned church of Santa Maria which is run by Bavarian monks. The Liturgy of the Hours sung in Gregorian chant was profoundly moving, and the Paschal candle was blessed and swathed in incense on the Eve of Pentecost. The scripture (Romans 8 v11) was read in 5 different languages, in another coincidence K read the English one. 
The small church was packed, around 100 pilgrims, including many young people. 
An excellent communal pilgrim supper, and now an early night to prepare for a challenging day in the hills – the highest point on the Camino at 1,500m, and another long distance. The Norwegian weather app is predicting a dry day, thank goodness, but a top temperature of just 17.

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