
My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

The title does not reflect today. Well, not in my case. 

As I said in yesterday's blip (written this morning) I feel surprisingly ok after the adventures of last night. Although from monitoring messages on WhatsApp, it appears that many of my fellows are suffering today.

Corrie told us she spent today in bed watching "Below Deck". While Jefe and Manda have been very quiet, just sending us pixts of their recovery breakfast. 

I am not entirely immune. I have been more tired than usual and naps have been had. Here is a picture of Jasper under the couch-duvet with me. It is now 5.41pm and Caro and I have just woken up from an extensive late-afternoon slumber. 

Totally worth it. 

I have had nice surprises today. Lovely, kind gifts from Feefs and Caro, including a surprise delivery of cupcakes organised by my lovely wife. 

She went to get them from the delivery guy. He cheekily added, "You get these a lot, don't you?"

"Don't judge me," replied Caro. 

And the Princess sent me a message that Caro and I now have tickets to see Jonathan Van Ness in Auckland. I just love him and I just love her and I feel intensely lucky to have a wonderful person like the Princess in my life. 

In addition, our good friend Reg in Sydney has been in touch with birthday wishes and he's eager for us to come and visit him sometime soon. 

I have just ordered a curry. Caro is off to put on her "curry-eating" pants whatever that means. 

It has been a difficult week. And I can't pretend that sadness doesn't exist and I'm living in a bubble of happiness. But I do know that I feel very loved today. And that's a good reason to be optimistic about my 54th year.


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