Old Red Eyes

Another early start to get ahead of the forecast rain. I drove down to Arthur's Meadow, a Wildlife Trust reserve and SSSI near Hemingford Grey in the valley of the Great Ouse. Although only tiny, it was a stunning hay meadow, the sward replete with Common Spotted-orchid, Adder's-tongue, Twayblade, Quaking-grass and Carnation Sedge, together with a generous scatter of Green-winged Orchids, with their swelling seed-pods. 

I just managed to finish recording the ten samples before any heavy rain arrived. Before driving home, I spent a little time photographing damselflies in a sheltered corner, including this surprisingly docile Red-eyed Damselfly. This species is common in lakes, gravel pits, canals and slow-flowing rivers. The males often sit on water lily leaves defending their leaf from other males, usually too far out to get a decent image!

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