Princess Kate

………………………………my new clematis. Just need to decide which part of the fence I’m going to train it on.

As eldest was coming for tea and my online shop wasn’t going to arrive in time I headed to M&S for a few bits and bobs…recycling the water filters, milk bottles and batteries in the process. Met up with the wee one and his Granddad on the way  and one of my walking companions on the way back…met another walking companion on my trip along the prom later this afternoon.

Picked the wee one up about 5pm for an overnight stay, he enjoyed some rumbunctious play with Uncle G…hopefully it tired him out and he stays in bed all night! Shopping arrived just before I put him to bed so I’ve still to sort and pack away the store cupboard goods…I think a G&T may be in order before I head to bed.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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