Just out of bed.
Went to bed earlyish last night, woke up very late this morning with sneezes and a continually dripping nose. Used a nasal spray to no effect. Made this an excuse to continue lying on the sofa reading and using up large quantities of tissues. I presume it's some kind of allergy although I've been allergy free until now. Some antihistamine stuff is arriving tomorrow. Things improved a bit in the afternoon so I had tea in the arbour and was none the worse for it. Photographed bees in the front garden. They love the blue geraniums. A neighbour Madge came by and we had a long chat. She's not driving at the moment as she has had one cataract operation and is waiting for a second. Missing not being able to drive. We are of an age so there was lots of comparing notes on the ups and downs of being in our eighties. But we both know we are lucky compared to some. Laughing about our streets lack of enthusiasm for the jubilee. Only one house has Union Jacks on display and it's neither hers or mine.
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