Back in Berlin and a shock

This was an interesting day ....

I had a call with a new client in London right in the morning then we tidied a bit before going for our first stroll in the Kiez.

We actually went directly in the Markethall for a galette at the French .... it was lovely and we were recognised ... still!
It did not feel that it was 2.5 years since we last were there ....

All in all not much has changed and all our fave places are still there ....

We followed the galette with a coffee at Chapter 1 then we walked Bergmannstrasse to the end, said hello to Denise and went back home.

The have renovated a lot in our stair and there were new letterboxes ....

I located the key at our neighbours and when I opened it it was packed as no one was looking after mail for the last many months ....

Usually we do not even get mail here .... but today it was different ..... and worst was a brown letter from our gas supplier ... who is suing me for not paying the bills since our old supplier went burst ....

Not much fun to find a letter from the court ..... and finding out that you have missed paying almost 800 Euros!!!
No idea why they decided to put my monthly amount from EUR 26 up to flippin EUR 186 .... which is ridiculous for a 40 m3 flat which laid empty .....
Since apparently my old supplier did not pass on my real address everything was sent to the flat and never looked at ...

So - needless to say that I was upset and very stressed and not very happy ....

I dealt with as much as I could online then we went out to Mokkabar for a drink and some food

Tomorrow I need to try and deal with the court or the lawyers of the Gas provider .....

Blipping a photo from when everything was still good ... haha 

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