
By Legacy

Fun Art

There's an enormous construction project in progress down by the waterfront on what used to be the old Georgia Pacific factory site.  You can watch through the turtle's back the area that is destined to be developed into  expensive condominiums.  (I'm not sure what happened to the concept of affordable housing but nothing being built in our area fits into that category unless you consider roughly $3,000/unit for rent and $500,000 for a condo affordable.  That was just a mini rant -- very frustrating situation.)

Anyway, my best Blip buddy Mary Jo and I spent the afternoon together just having a good time.  We stopped by this site to take some photos for blipping.  I liked this turtle.  We met one of the few artists, Matt French, who have permission to paint on the wall enclosing the construction site which is the length of two football fields, marked into sections which are each probably 20 feet long.  We had a delightful conversation with him while he was working on one section.  We're definitely going back to see his finished section.  Mary Jo blipped one of his sections.  I don't think this turtle is  his but I thought it was a clever way to provide a window on the construction site itself.  If you check my Extra you'll see one of his spectacular pieces -- our state bird and flower (Goldfinch and rhododendron).  

We had a fun day even though our original intent was to feed and photograph seagulls.  There were too many people at our favorite sites and the sky was very flat and uninteresting.  We'll watch for one of our favorite blue sky/slight breeze days and go down by the harbor.  

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