Rule of odds

I read about the rule of odds in photography quite some time ago, and when I noticed these three boats today, I thought I'd give it a try. Not exactly what I was looking for, and I'm going to keep looking for something else with an odd number of items.
What a beautiful morning it was to water the garden then go for my walk! Cloudy but warm, about 15 degrees. The entire walk was a wonderful sensory experience:
   - the sounds of song birds
   - the fresh scents of spring wildflowers and blossoms and sea air
   - the beautiful visual surroundings, a feast for my eyes
   - the tangy taste of a not-quite-ripe salmon berry
   - the feel of anything I touched with gloveless fingers!
I even had a spring in my step!
When I got home, I weed-whacked the garden and raked then enjoyed a later lunch al fresco for the first time. 
More rain on the way. Lovely to have such a nice day before it comes back.
Birds at a nesting box. Don't know what kind of birds they are.
Plants that I think are the same as ones I saw on another blipper's post the other day, and I hadn't paid any attention to these before.

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