Ships Visit

Saturday morning breakfast, fry up with fried bread, anything better?
A leisurely morning looking through the newspaper and trying to determine what’s news and what’s gossip.
Afternoon and Mrs S and I, along with the Mayor & Mayoress and a couple of other civic dignitaries went into Falmouth Docks for a formal visit to HMS Kent.
HMS Kent, a Duke Type 23 frigate, built in 2000 she was in service at the same time as I was in the Royal Navy, she brand new, me coming to the end of my service. Really good ships visit, great tour, more in depth than some I’ve been on and I enjoyed the opportunity to chat with a couple of the ships company that I met as we went around.

Home for a home made monkfish and prawn curry with a beer.
Great day

Todays Photos
Main: Standing on the jetty in front of HMS Kent’s superstructure.
Extras: 1. Handing over a Falmouth RNA pennant the the ships commanding officer.
2. On the foc’sle in front of the 4.5” turret.

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