Not the most successful of days
Not a good start to the day which managed to go down hill from them.
Supplier threatening court action when they haven’t fulfilled their contract and provided lousy customer service so this is going to be difficult to resolve.
Fixing of snag in our property has meant we have had more discussions and little action to resolve but we have been told it should be resolved in two to three weeks. Why is the standard response time for resolution of anything.
Lost at Bowls by 5 points but at least overall our team won 6 - 2 so we remain top of the league.
Some minor building work due to start on the 6th June delayed by a few days which plays havoc with our schedule which is a nuisance but manageable.
The Osteopath visit looks have got my neck starting to have more flexibility so its not all bad.
Blip is another image of our visitor from the thicket.
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