The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


First Gala of the season at Rosyth.  Luckily, son no.1 allowed parking at his house so an easy walk with Heather,  Lynne and our very own Ambassador  dog Molly. She was of course a star and attracted  a lot of people to the stall. I think we all enjoyed getting back out there again.
Hopefully  we helped swell the coffers. I certainly  never stopped engaging  with people about Guide dogs.
Not just my back complained after 2 hours I think Molly was very tired too.
Home to enjoy our own dog sitting duties with the bold Honey. Gavin  and Evi being at an Author's  signing event.
She may have let slip she will be on the other side of the table next year. I got a preview of her very first novel.  Paperback out next year!?!
She is a dark horse my Accidental daughter, (in law).
A very happy day.


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