The View to Corfu

From the hotel.
We had the morning off before our planned big afternoon swim. The plan was to circumnavigate the island. 10km.
The wind was persistently about a force 3 /4. We swam with the wind for 3.5km, had a 300m kind of sheltered bit and then headed into the unrelenting wind in our faces along the east side. I got fed up and gave up after a long 7km. 7 out of 10 completed a long hard 10km. I am a tad disappointed but I wasn’t enjoying it and I swim for pleasure. Also, my body still feels fine after the battle and I want to enjoy the swims for the rest of the week.
In the evening we went to the local taverna, the only other commercial establishment on the island. We ate mountains of delicious fresh pitta, salads, tatziki and meat.

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