happy Tuesday

We have an appointment for someone to come and look at our insulation! The nice man who sent someone to fix the holes providing entre into our garage will come by on Saturday and give us an estimate. Maybe with better insulation I can be on the ground floor and Karen can be on the top floor and I won't freeze and she won't cook. 

Did you know there are dwarf azaleas? 

The US is going to provide advanced rocket systems. Ukrainians will be able to strike locations 80 km away. 

Anna Kurkurina, a Ukrainian athlete, is one of the strongest women in the world. She has multiple powerlifting champion titles. She chose to stay behind and care for injured and abandoned dogs and cats. Before she became a powerlifter and trainer she worked at the Nikolaev Zoo. She uses social media to help injured pets find clinics, new homes, or safe passage out of the war zone. 

Alexi Kosenko created a zoo/sanctuary in Shybine Ukraine. He spent 8 years building it. It has a lake and a meadow and pine trees. The Russians invaded his sanctuary looking for Nazis. He has 350 animals including a new Bengal tiger cub. Fortunately the Russians never hurt him or his family and the Ukrainians pushed them back out of town. They did steal his cell phone. 

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