Superhero Amos

Sometimes we all need someone to save us.... preferably with a dog telling a spooky story. The 1st/2nd graders made up their own superheros and wrote about them. There is a lot of detail on this dude...

Superhero Story by Amos,

Super Amos needed to rescue his kids from a bad guy. His super powers are flying and invisibility, and his sidekick. Merry is a dog. She is his sidekick. They live in a house. Super Amos' EMERGENCY ALARM went off!!!!!! He knew what was happening. His kids were kidnapped! He went off to save his kids.

Soon he was there in a cave. His sidekick told the bad guy a spooky story. The bad guy got away. He turned invisible and sneaks past the bad guy. Super Amos touched his kids and they turned invisible. He leads them past the bad guy, and he took his kids back home.
The End

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