Best part of the day

So a day of drizzle, rain, drizzle, with a few slightly bright bits in between. Not that I was bothered as I have been joyfully sorting (fabrics, materials etc.) and being at the Hay Festival.

Then it’s evening and I am in the conservatory reading - and it is bright, light, sunny even. Birds are singing, Swifts are circling above. It is so good being able to see the sky and watch it change. And the light is perfect for reading. It gets to 9pm and I’m still here.

Gordon disappeared ages ago - he waits for me to tell him that a particular talk was good, then he takes my laptop upstairs, uses my Hay Pass and watches said talk . . . later he returns and says - that was good!!

Today I have learnt all about Putin’s money that he stole from his people and has stashed away anywhere but Russia (England). I learnt from Jess Philips that they have to refer to a lawyer MP as ‘my learned friend’ and to an MP with a military career as ‘my gallant friend’, but there is no word for someone who was a Careworker. I learnt from a top scientist that one has to admit to a mistake and learn from it and that’s the only way forward . . . who knew!!

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