Nothing Else Matters: Yellow Iris Interlude
The truth of the matter is that if I ever wanted to sell this house (no worries there, my loves; we're going NOWHERE), I would do it in May, when everything is blooming. The property is irresistible this time of year, and it would sell in a heartbeat.
I remember how those huge pink rhododendrons called my name the first time I ever saw them. I looked out over the shady yard, the big deck out back, all of those trees, and the flowers, and I was a goner. The place was meant to be mine before I even walked back out the front door after my first visit.
A lot of plants were here before I got here, and I take no credit for them. But I did plant some things my own self, over the years. Butterfly gardens (several, with mixed success). Bulbs of assorted kinds. Trees; oh, yes, I have planted more than a hundred trees! Every time one fell (which was surprisingly often), I planted more! Only some of them grew. I always say - If you love me, oh if you love me AT ALL, plant a tree!
I have also been gifted some beautiful things, and here is a picture of one of them: the yellow reblooming irises sent to me by my friend D. Marie. We iris lovers are quite a friendly crew, and when we divide our flowers, as one must every few years, that is the perfect time for giving. One year, I sent her some of my irises. And so she sent me some of hers!
Every evening, I have a moment of quiet with my beautiful yellow irises. I go out and I stand and I watch them in the fading light of day, and I admire their fancy shapes; I can't help it, I reach out my hand and touch the fuzzy softness that is the beard on the bloom. The color of the dress I am wearing is called gratitude. So let's have just a moment of celebration for our yellow iris interlude, shall we?
My custom is to pick a song to go with my photos, and here is what I've chosen for this day. I am trying to learn to inhabit each moment as fully as possible. After all, if you don't live in this moment NOW, well, then nothing else matters!
My soundtrack is the great Metallica song Nothing Else Matters. I've got two versions. One is by Miley Cyrus with Elton John and Yo-Yo Ma. The other is Miley Cyrus with Metallica (music begins around 2:30 in), and I highly recommend them BOTH.
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