A little late!

Yesterday's blip today,  because I was having problems with the WiFi yesterday evening!
We had a fabulous day, a coach trip as an overview of Vienna and a walking tour - that gave us an hour of free time to sample the Viennese cafe culture, and pastries of course. 
In the afternoon we had a behind the scenes tour of the Spanish Riding School  - now that was just brilliant!! All the horses that perform at the school are stallions, Lippizana stallions. They are all black or very dark brown when they are born, and gradually change their colour, and by the time they are 8 or 9 they are white. They were beautiful.  The afternoon ended with coffee and Sachertorte  - when I saw that in the description of the afternoon, I assumed that it was time on our own to get coffee, but it was actually included,  in the Cafe Central which was a very ornate building  ....with a huge queue outside, luckily we had a private room. More delicious pastries, it's probably a good thing that we're leaving Vienna on Tuesday afternoon!!! 

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