Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A picture of happiness

This is Katja Pantzar, an American journalist who lives in Finland, Danny Dorling the human geographer and Oxford professor, and Jukka Siukosaari, Finish ambassador to the UK. They were discussing Finland and how it has come to be top of the world happiness rankings for the last five years. Some of the takeaways:

Finland values everyone, whether you are a bus driver or an academic.

Inequalities in income are much less marked - everyone is valued and rewarded accordingly.

The democratic system is more diverse and less adversarial. The emphasis is on seeking a consensus for the good of the people.

As a country they seek to engage with and learn from other nations, and to be good neighbours.

There are high standards in public life - politicians and civil servants are expected to behave well and be accountable.

Taxation is high but the country's infrastructure is exceptionally strong and supports people throughout their lives.

Because of the climate conditions and language there is a problem-solving approach to life. Finns engineer solutions rather than argue over who is to blame.

Remind you of the UK? No? That's because they are so much more evolved and grown up than we are. On every one of the above counts we are children by comparison to their way of approaching the world.

Also went to a very good session on the Ukraine crisis chaired by Philippe Sands which painted a very depressing picture of how Britain has basically enabled the Russian Oligarchy to flourish over the last twenty years and why we are partly to blame for the current situation. Not much optimism for a good outcome. but a very good level of analysis from the panel (one of whom, journalist Oliver Bullough, looks disconcertingly like Joey from Friends - see extra).

Finished with a session with Ed Balls. Very good. A mixture of politics, food and Strictly Come Dancing (the last of which I've never seen but apparently he won a lot of hearts and minds).

Good drive home - no traffic traumas this time. All well on the domestic front. Cats glad to see us again.

Two days of work then back down to Hay again for the second weekend.

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