The Angel

... of Barton Fell

With my usual rubbish sleep even more disrupted by the light I woke at 3.30 am and decided I needed to sort out a better solution so headed in to town and got some blackout material from Just Sew. It’s a dangerous business going in to town as I gravitated towards the Hedgehog Bookshop. It was all very tempting but I won’t let myself buy anything until I start reading again although was tempted by Nick Hayes, ‘The Book of Trespass’, amongst others, but stuck to the plan of a couple of books for M&R for when I go down south. More danger lurked as I got sucked in to Graham’s deli. I treated myself to a proper loaf of bread for a change before heading up to High Winder and Heughscar for a damp wander and then home.
I’m still wandering about the place looking for stuff so tackled a bit of sorting until it got a bit dispiriting and got stuck in to Springwatch as a tonic.
The rain has bought the village bunting down almost to garrotting height.

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