Is That Really A…..

Another Sunday at the Mansionhouse. For some reason a rather tiring day.
The complex heating system which is guided by temperature and humidity suitable for the collection has just been refurbished and will take several days to achieve the optimum settings. The result was that the humidity was quite dry and the house. Wearing a face mask added to the discomfort.

The flow of visitors was steady, and several conversations took place from visitors from as far away as Australia.

The last admittance time for visitors is 4:00 p.m. and the house closes at 5;00 p.m. The last couples arrived at 3:58. They had travelled quite a distance and had made it.

I have been there and done that. I was on the upper level of the house which is the last port of call on the route.

And the question was asked…..

‘What do you think it is?’

‘A Breguel?’

"Yes it is. It by Bruegel the Younger.

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