Another day with no real plans. BB didn’t reappear until 4pm-ish. TT went to church and I went out for a run. The wind had really dropped which made it a very pleasant run, apart from a twinging from my knee – and not the knee that I have had trouble with. It doesn’t feel good, so I think I will rest it for a bit., and maybe dig out the exercises I was given for my other knee.
A colleague of TT’s popped round for some plants and we ended up having a lovely catch up with her and her husband over a cuppa in the garden. I don’t know them well, but we used to see them on the train to work occasionally – but they are a lovely couple. She operates at 100 miles per hour and he is much slower and calmer. A good combination!
After a quick lunch, cobbled together from the fridge, I popped into town for a few things and left TT gardening. There was lots of activity in town as there is a music festival on this weekend.
Later we took BB out for a belated birthday tea. We went to a pub in a nearby village. Steaks all round for the boys – and they really enjoyed them. I stuck to fish. It was a lovely meal, and we came back and eventually did the birthday cake and candles. TT and I enjoyed ours with a glass of pink fizz. The boys were watching football, and I watched a programme about with hunts in Scotland, which was very focused on East Lothian. I dozed off, probably due to my big meal, so will pick the programme up another time.
I spotted these weeds growing at the side of the pavement by an old corrugated iron fence as I walked home. I'm not sure what the name of the yellow flower is - maybe hawkbit? I was also struck by how green everything was when I walked by the river (extra).
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