Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


A couple of weeks back, a friend asked if I could help him out by taking a few pictures of the handmade crafts that he has made.

A carpenter by trade, he has turned his skills from to creating some beautiful pieces of work. He utilises a variety of materials and one of which is deer antlers or should I say, staghorn. 

It was great to be able to take some images for him which he hope's to include on his website to showcase his work.

However what drew me in to help him the most was that for sometime now (and he is honest with this in the "flyers" that he hands out to advertise his business), he has suffered from anxiety and stress and yet despite this he has shown strength to not let this hinder him in his venture - so with the encouragement from friends and family, he continues on his own journey.

Mark I wish you the very best. May your business flourish and may you overcome the personal hurdles that face you also.

You can find his website HERE.

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