Bubbles, no squeak

We had a couple of fierce rain showers today and the terrace looked on the verge of flooding a couple of times because the roofdrains started to overflow . It made for great puddles with bubbles ! The plants in the garden will have been happy !

Thanks so much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last Thursday almost all with some sort of abstract land- or other scape. I really had a hard time choosing just 5 special entries. This coming Thursday we're in June already and that means a theme-free Abstract Thursday. The tag will be AT362. Here's the list of 5 scape specials:
heanku                      minimalist landscape
rainie                         ginscape
gen2                          icm woodscape
MollyG                      fernscape
esiuol                       Glaswegian tunnelscape

And thank you very much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday's Pirate Ducky.

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