Roses & Beetle

A nice sunny Sunday morning. I was full of good intentions, but it is Sunday, and when Sue arrived with Max for a cup of coffee (for Sue, bowl of water for Max). It was a good excuse to sit out in the sun and chat. I had already taken a couple of pics of the roses, the pink one is Scarborough Fair, and the yellow one is the Poets wife. They have been in the garden a year now and looking good. We were just about to come back indoors when when Sue spotted this lily beetle, and called for me to get the camera with macro lens! They are not perfect but couldn't miss the opportunity to post them as extras. Now I have to keep an eye on my two lillum regale which I hope will flower this week before I go on my travels.

My apologies for lack of comments,  but I have sprinkled, stars and hrts in my endeavour to catch up with you all :-) x

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