
Up, pack, out. Off to Finchampsted for our last Team Days, which is ridiculous.

Clare picked us up at Winch and drove us the rest of the way. It was actually sunny so we sat outside and had our classic Team Day lunch of tiger bread, chorizo, cheese and salad. Good lunch. Gareth had also made us some gluten and dairy free cakes which was amaze.

We had our first session from Glen who's going through his 3,2,1 programme thing. Quick coffee break and Est and I went for a quick walk and found the lambs. We got very excited. Back in time for the second session. Prayer cells for an hour then dinner. Red thai curry, lush. The evening was full of good chats, youtube videos and alcohol.

The 5 of us girls had to stay in a different house that was about 5 mins away. Oh my life, nicest house ever. We always end up with the best accom. Est and I had an ensuite and what we thought was underfloor heating but ended up just being a pipe... but still.

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