Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Views across the Solway...

...looking magnificent this afternoon...

A slow start, read the Sunday papers then in to Dumfries for a coffee and a few last bits of food shopping.
Lunch outside in the sunshine at our cottage, then a short drive to Mersehead RSPB, which definitely over delivered - thanks for the recommendation Yellow Balloon!
Lots of birds at the feeders, including Goldfinches, Yellow Hammers and a Woodpecker. Nothing much from the hides, but we did see an Egret  and Roe Deer in the distance.
In the wetlands Curlew and Peewits, and innumerable Skylarks.
The circular walk took us down to the beach, and views across the Solway to the North Lakes and down the coast to the Isle of Whithorn.
In my main blip, the middle post points up to a little clump of cloud under which is the Isle of Man - we could easily pick out Snae Fell.
The extra is the view towards the North Lakes - back o' Skiddaw and Blencathra.

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