I can see for miles

A long, hard and great day today (mostly!)
First a drive up Glen Lochay, then a 6k cycle along an undulating track. Left the bikes and set off on foot to do a horseshoe route up Craig Mhor. It was very steep and going up a gully was not the easy option (and a bit awkward and scary in a couple of places).
My legs didn't want to walk after this but lunch revived them (including the healthy lunch) and they got me to the top okay. Down was also steep but the bikes were waiting at the bottom for a mainly downhill ride back to the car. Mr Rat and the Bogmeister had to walk about half of it due to punctures and a broken chain.
It was mainly cloudy but the clouds were quite high, and the wind strengthened as the day went on - but fortunately was behind us cycling back.
Fish and chips in Comrie, plenty of tea back home and a bath very shortly so not much looking at pics today.

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