
By Farmerboab

Fuzzy Face ...

Still chilly despite being nearly June ,so had the coat on again while going round feeding things this morning.
Then managed to get the lawn mower going with a set of jump leads off a tractor,blew up the flat tyre and tackled the front lawn. Got it cut eventually,even managed to give the roadsides a trim down at the farm road end. The boys that were laying the fibre cables have totally buggered the verges though,lots of stones sticking up to clatter the mower blades.
An afternoon spent hauling dung from a shed then a trip next door to help wee brother get a cow in. She had calved one calf this morning but was still faffing around this afternoon so we suspected it was a set of twins. Sure enough there was a second calf coming backwards but just the tail presented,both back legs pointing forward. I eventually managed to shove it back in far enough to get a hand round each leg and get them pointing back the right way. After that it came out with a wee pull no bother. Unfortunately it was dead,but by the look of it it had been dead a while.
Still her first calf is now in sucking so hopefully things should be ok.
The terrier likes to sit on a chair at the table and see what's going on better. Even better if there are some crumbs he can scoff!

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