
Had a very good night’s sleep, only woke once and went back to sleep almost immediately, must have had a good seven hours - seven hours!
So good l’m saying it twice.
Went for my quick walk , it was one of those mornings when you rejoice at just being alive on such a day and l walked for nearly an hour.
Poached eggs for breakfast :  Adele’s are so much better than mine.
I then went on another walk with Adele and Peggy : meadow after meadow.
Tim stayed at home to watch the sport on TV : cycling and rugby from both codes.
Adele suggested a visit to Hebden Bridge so off we went.
Spent a good half hour in the hat shop, the milliner was just putting finishing touches to a straw hat she was making and Adele very nearly bought it.
Was fascinating to see her steam the crown of the hat to change it’s shape.
I love hats and tried lots on, will definitely return in the autumn to look at the felt ones.
We went for a coffee and cake, rather disappointing, weak coffee and too sweet cake but l still managed to finish both :-))
Back to do the Guardian quiz where we amazed ourselves at getting the first three questions correct, sadly went downhill after that.
We shared a bottle of Prosecco and now we are having the food l brought yesterday and going to watch the football on TV.

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