The Buzziness Of A Busy Bee, Aylesford
My back is now recovering at a pace (thank God!). I've been doing my stretches, taking my painkillers and researching exercises that will help improve my core. Having read up on how to stop a reocurrence of my sciatica strengthening my core seems to be one of the answers. So deadlifts, squats and crunches seem to be the go to elements of some circuit training that will help in the long run. I'm going to make sure and do these on a regular basis.
Today has just been an easy day of a quick pop to the pub with my brother, reading the papers and looking at my newest photography book purchase, The Mennonites by Larry Towell. It's such a beautiful book filled with stunning images of a religious community that he shot in the 1990's.
My image for today was taken in our rather overgrown front garden (which I actually really love) and I just wanted to capture the busyness of this bee that was flying from flower to flower trying to gather as much nectar as possible.
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