Mae'n fraint i gerdded ar wely'r afon

Mae'n fraint i gerdded ar wely'r afon ~ Its a privilege to walk on the river bed

“You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.”
—James M. Barrie

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Mae gwely'r afon yn lle cudd. Datguddir — o bryd i bryd — pan fyddo'r dŵr yn isel. Weithiau mae'n teimlo fel braint i weld e, i fod yna. Mae lle ac amser arbennig.

Heddiw treulion ni'r diwrnod gyda Sam. Chwaraeon ni gyda Lego - dyfeisiodd Sam ffigwr robot eithaf ciwt ac yna gwnaethon ni amrywiadau diddorol. Ar ôl cinio aethon ni allan i Barc Hailey i chwarae ar y maes chwarae am dipyn. Yna aethon ni i lawr i'r afon. Roedd Sam wedi’i swyno i fynd i lawr at yr afon a chwarae gyda’r cerrig ar wely’r afon. Roedd e'n foment swynol. Mae'n fraint i weld ymdeimlad plentyn o ryfeddod a'i hapusrwydd mewn pethau syml, ac i fod yn rhan ohono.

Roedd e'n ddiwrnod hollol wych ac rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at gerdded ar wely'r afon gyda Sam eto.

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The riverbed is a hidden place. It is revealed — from time to time — when the water is low. Sometimes it feels like a privilege to see him, to be there. It is a special place.

Today we spent the day with Sam. We played with Lego - Sam invented a pretty cute robot figure and then we made some interesting variations. After lunch we wentout to Hailey Park to play at the playground for a while. Then we went down to the river. Sam was enthralled to go down to the river and play with the stones on the river bed. It was a charming moment. It's a privilege to see  a child's sense of wonder and happiness in simple things, and to be part of it.

It was an entirely wonderful and I'm looking forward to walking on the river bed with Sam again.

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