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We had hoped to see the sea today. However there really wasn’t enough time before we needed to head back home.

Instead, a lovely morning at a new farm shop venue which included another meadow walk and coffee. The farm made its own honey. This was the nearest we could get to the hives, which were very busy so best leave the bees up to it.

It’s been a very short visit but a good one. Valerie has an amazing medication regime of oral chemotherapy, pain killers, skin gel, a new medication for her osteoporosis, plus others. Monday will tell if it’s working. Neil is not so good and that’s sad to see. Valerie is his carer really.

We needed to leave at 2pm. We got home at 6.45. Traffic galore today, in both directions. We’re both still vibrating after spending so long in car. No regrets about the flying visit though.

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