
By Skysea7

Plant wall

I saw lots of these at Eden yesterday. At first it looked like black bookshelves, but on closer inspection they were plant troughs and the plants had been potted up in soil. There seem to be some sort of watering system.

It looked really effective.  (I'm afraid this mobile phone pic in low light is just not very sharp!)

I want one for at home but I’ve searched online and just three shelves only 2 feet wide cost a lot!

I just can’t believe that the public are happy to be diverted from the Partygate evidence to thanking the government for the handouts on electricity bills. We know that the petrol and diesel prices are affecting all foods and consumables that have to be transported.

So why didn’t our millionaire Chancellor cut lots more fuel duty? And will millionaires with several homes also get this £400 that everyone else is getting?  These millionaires will be able to afford to buy lots more wine for future parties in number 10 that will now not be illegal even though all the others were!

Boris says he takes FULL RESPONSIBILITY for Partygate.  But what does that mean? Saying he apologises is not enough!

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